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 Olympic style archery clubs - South Charente??

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zodiac51Hors ligne

MessageDim 22-05-2005, 7:48
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Hi Everyone

I am an English archer who has moved to South Charente and wondered if someone could tell me of any archery clubs near to Villibios-Lavalette (16320);

Also I have been told that you need to have a permit for target shooting in France Shocked is this correct Confused

Thanks all
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CédricGHors ligne
Age: 47
Morsang sur Orge (91)
Arme(s): Classique

MessageDim 22-05-2005, 13:15
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It is not a permit, but a licence with an insurance. Without insurance, an archer will have big problem if an accident occurs.
All archery club near of VILLEBOIS LAVALETTE are on this page :
You may have more information writing to league of Poitou Charente :
I call archers from Poitou-Charente to answer you.

How many time will you be in Villebois-Lavalette? Which bow do you practise?

Welcome in France, and on our forum!

Tir à l'arc et informatique en même temps, le bonheur!
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MessageDim 22-05-2005, 21:46
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Hi Zodiac51

I am not from south charente but from Poitiers in Vienne. The closest archery club is probably at Ruelle about 10 miles from Villebois-Lavalette. You can receive information by sending am e-amil to the club at
They already have australians archer in the club.
Anyway if you need anything else just let us know here.

Welcome in Poitou Charentes. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.
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zodiac51Hors ligne

MessageLun 23-05-2005, 7:09
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Very Happy

Thanks for the replies.

I have been in Villebois for about a year now.

I shoot a PSE X-factor, hoyt limbs and easton ace arrows

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jojo l'affreux
des oisillons innocents
Arme(s): classique

MessageLun 23-05-2005, 8:46
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You can send a private message (MP) to pat She is from Ruelle and she speaks english Wink
Membre a vie du FCFPAG
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